Nymphaea alba medicinal uses

Iucn red list least concern species nymphaea flora of europe medicinal plants plants described in 1753. Nymphaeaceae is an important and wellknown medicinal plant, widely used in the ayurveda and siddha systems of medicines for the treatment of diabetes, inflammation, liver disorders, urinary disorders, menorrhagia, blenorrhagia, menstruation problem, as an aphrodisiac, and as a. Nymphaea alba linnaeus family nymphaeaceae, commonly known as white water lily in english and kumuda in sanskrit, is an aquatic herb with perennial rhizomes or rootstocks anchored with mud. Use it in traditional medicine as an aphrodisiac, astringent, anodyne, sedative, cardiotonic, antiinflammatory and analgesic agent. This chapter highlights the importance of nymphaea alba as a promising hepatoprotective candidate. Medicinal use, description and other useful informations about white. Nymphaea alba herb uses, benefits, cures, side effects, nutrients. Externally it can be used to make a douche to treat vaginal soreness or discharges.

Year 1998 isbn 9290611189 description excellent guide to 102 medicinal herbs of the pacific islands, with photographs of each plant and details of their constituents, biological activities and traditional uses. It can be used to make various healthy concoctions including blue lotus tea, wine and martinis. Nymphaea alba herb uses, benefits, cures, side effects. Nymphaea occidentalis moss, nymphaea alba, also known as the european white water lily, white water rose or white nenuphar, is an aquatic flowering plant of the family nymphaeaceae. The menomini indians believed the nymphaea odorata and other pond lilies belong to the spirit of the underneath, the underworld. How nymphaea alba is effective for various diseases is listed in repertory format. Nymphaea species are aquatic perennial herbs, laticiferous, rooted. Medicinal uses of water lily confirmed by scientific studies. If you want to add it to the cue, or if you can provide any additional information, photos or reliable use records for this muthi plant, please leave a comment below, or in the muthi flora of southern africa facebook group traditional medicinal uses of nymphaea capensis. Nymphaea alba has herbal applications as an astringent, as an. The rhizome of water lily also helps alleviate pain and has sedative properties. It is in flower from july to august, and the seeds ripen from august to october. The rhizome is harvested in the autumn and can be dried for later use. Nymphaea odorata herb uses, benefits, cures, side effects.

The white water lily is a perennial plant that is native to north america. Plants for a future can not take any responsibility for any adverse effects from the use of plants. It is harvested from the wild for local use as a food and medicine. Nymphaea alba, also known as the european white water lily, white water rose or white nenuphar, is an aquatic flowering plant of the family nymphaeaceae. The species is hermaphrodite has both male and female organs and is pollinated by flies, beetles. The root is alterative, anodyne, antiseptic, astringent and demulcent. A tea made from the roots is used in the treatment of tb, chronic bronchial complaints, diarrhoea, dysentery, gastrointestinal inflammation, gonorrhoea, vaginal discharge, inflamed glands. It is native to north africa, temperate asia, europe and tropical asia india. The family contains five genera with about 70 known species. Water lilies are commonly confused with lotuses because several plants within nymphaea are colloquially referred to as lotuses. Features such as the spiral arrangement and large numbers of floral leaves are considered to be signs of this. Nymphaea alba is also known in greek as loves destructor as it has anaphrodisiac properties and reduces sexual overstimulation and spermatorrhea. The flowers are white in color sometimes, with a pink tinge. Flavonoids and hydrolyzable tannins were the major identified classes of active constituents in the flower, leaf, and rhizome.

The water lily aka white water lily is a perennial plant that as the name implies grows in water environments. Medicinal properties of mashaparni teramnus labialis spreng. Nymphaea alba in natural monument fararsky rybnik in summer 2011 3. Very terse details of medicinal uses of plants with a wide range of references and details of research into the plants chemistry. So, to clarify, nymphaea caerulea is a water plant that grows on the shores of lakes and rivers. In the earliest printed medical textbooks, authors maintained this use, though warning against consuming large and. Nymphaea alba, an aa kent as the lochlily, is an aquatic flouerin plant o the faimily nymphaeaceae.

Some taxa occur as introduced species where they are not native, and some are weeds. White water lily, white lotus, white water rose, nenuphar synonymes. Nymphaea alba, also known as the european white water lily, white water rose or white. Water lily can also be used to treat kidney pain, congestion and can be gargled to help treat a sore throat. European white water lily, white water rose, or white nenuphar, the white lotus, castalia alba, nymphaea minoriflora simonk. Castalia scutifolia salisb nymphaea caerulea savigny. They are slightly different but used medically the same way. Blue lotus is related to cape blue water lily nymphaea capensis and. Parts of the white water lily also had some medicinal uses.

Leaves polymorphic, sublate, hastate, sagittate, deltoid to suborbicular, usually floating or submerged, membranous when young and coriaceous, prominently veined when. Water lilies are commonly confused with lotuses because several plants within nymphaea are. Many species are cultivated as ornamental plants, and many cultivars have been bred. Features such as the spiral arrangement and large numbers of. The rhizomes were used as an antiseptic, an antibiotic, an antispasmodic, an astringent, a cardiotonic, a demulcent, and an emollient.

To support our efforts please browse our store books with medicinal info, etc. Nymphaea madagascariensis dc nymphaea magnifica gilg. Nymphaea alba is rich in tannic acid, gallic acid, alkaloids, sterols, flavonoids, glycosides, hydrolyzable tannins and highmolecularweight pol yphenolic compounds eliana et al. Leaves polymorphic, sublate, hastate, sagittate, deltoid to suborbicular, usually floating or submerged, membranous. A species of water lily, white lotus is a perennial plant growing to a height of 45 cm. If you want to add it to the cue, or if you can provide any additional information, photos or reliable use records for this muthi plant, please leave a comment below, or in the muthi flora of southern africa facebook group. In russian literature mention is made of two kinds of pond lilykuvshinka nymphaea alba and nymphaea candida. It was also a symbol of the egyptian deity nefertem. Today we know that the sacred blue lily can be used for a variety of medical purposes. Nymphaea alba is a perennial it is harvested from the wild for local use as a food and medicine. A tea made from the roots is used in the treatment of tb, chronic bronchial complaints, diarrhoea, dysentery, gastrointestinal inflammation, gonorrhoea, vaginal discharge, inflamed glands, mouth sores and to stop bleeding. The redflowered variety of white waterlily is protected in finland except the aland islands.

The rhizome and the flowers are used in herbal preparations. The lily pads can be seen floating on water, while the blossoms rise above the water. Nymphaeaceae is a family of flowering plants, commonly called water lilies. An illustrated compilation of philippine medicinal plants by dr godofredo stuart, with botanical information, chemical properties, folkloric uses and medicinal research. Agapanthus africanus also called blue lily, but containing no medicinal or psychoactive properties is a drought tolerant plant which is commonly used in landscaping in the. Nymphaeaceae is an important and wellknown medicinal plant, widely used in the ayurveda and siddha systems of medicines for the treatment of diabetes, inflammation, liver disorders, urinary disorders, menorrhagia, blenorrhagia, menstruation problem, as an aphrodisiac, and as a bitter tonic. Nymphaea alba, an aa kent as the lochlily, is an aquatic flouerin plant o the faimily nymphaeaceae it graws in watter frae 30150 centimeter deep an liks lairge stanks an lochs. General information blue waterlilly is an herbaceous plant with a perennial, tuberous rootstock. It creates a feeling of well being, euphoria and ecstasy when consumed. It starts by its description as an aquatic plant with a long history in traditional medicine, presenting its folk uses. Genus nymphaea are rhizomatous, submerged aquatic perennials with floating, rounded leaves and showy, sometimes fragrant, cup or bowlshaped flowers in a wide range of colours, held on or above the water and followed by submerged, berrylike fruits.

The rhizome is anodyne, antiscrofulatic, astringent, cardiotonic, demulcent and sedative. Water lily nymphaea alba is an aquatic plant water lily that has many medical benefits ranging from lung conditions, gastrointestinal conditions and skin conditions. Balche is the potion which helps the holy man change into his transformation animal. Plants of the genus are known commonly as water lilies, or waterlilies in the. Uses, benefits, cures, side effects, nutrients in nymphaea alba. Nymphaeaceae waterlily family medicinal use of fragrant water lily. They live as rhizomatous aquatic herbs in temperate and tropical climates around the world. This one is also commonly used in medicinal preparations, as is the fragrant water lily nimphaea odorata.

The plant has calming and sedative effect on nervous system and can be used for treating and managing insomnia and anxiety disorders. The broad range of traditional uses along with the previous reports. Overview information american white water lily is a plant that grows in ponds, lakes, and streams. The anxiolytic activity of an extract of nymphaea alba was demonstrated without any doubt by a study published in indian journal of pharmacology in 2011 pain, fever, weak immunity. The water lily is often found on ceramic vessels that appear to depict, for the most part, prophetic scenes from the underworld or other worlds. They have a leaf spread of 90150 cm and a water depth of 4590 cm over the rhizome. Traditional uses parts used traditional uses contemporary uses fragrance fragrance parts fragrance intensity fragrance category dye parts rhizomes roots dye color black.

It graws in watter frae 30150 centimeter deep an liks lairge stanks an lochs. This strongrooted, attractive, aquatic plant has floating leaves. Names of nymphaea odorata in various languages of the world are also given. American white water lily contains chemicals called tannins that probably help treat diarrhea by reducing swelling inflammation. Nymphaeaceae waterlily family medicinal use of white water lily. Nymphaea alba white water lily, european white waterlily. It is globally distributed in europe, north africa, southwest asia, india, china and russia.

How nymphaea odorata is effective for various diseases is listed in repertory format. Uses, benefits, cures, side effects, nutrients in nymphaea odorata. The water lily aka white water lily is a perennial plant that as. Nymphaea capensis thunb nymphaea emirnensis planch nymphaea engleri gilg. It is important to collect the rhizome in the fall. Nymphaea odorata fragrant water lily, american white. The flowers are white and they have many small stamens inside. Also known as tiger lotus, it grows in clear, warm, still and slightly acidic waters. It grows from the bottom of ponds and lakes, producing a rosette of leaves that float on the surface of the water. Water lilies have extensive rhizome systems from which leaf and flower stalks emerge.

Nymphaea caerulea was used by ancient egyptians as a stimulant to increase sexual desire. Jan 01, 2002 so, to clarify, nymphaea caerulea is a water plant that grows on the shores of lakes and rivers. The main use for these containers is believed to be the delivery vessel for the magical, ceremonial concoction known as the balche drink of the priest or shaman. Rhizomes erect or creeping, stoloniferous and sometimes branched.

The leafs can be up tae thirty centimetre in diametre an thay tak up a spread o 150 centimetre per plant. A line drawing of each plant is included plus colour photographs of about 100 species. It has also been used to treat bronchial catarrh and kidney pain and can be taken as a gargle for sore throats254. The fact that nymphayol possesses potent antinociceptive, immunomodulatory and antipyretic activities was demonstrated by a study published. Nymphaea capensis is not in the expanded monograph processing cue.

Fragrant water lily facts, uses health benefits times. Method of administration it is administered in the form of herbal tea half spoon of dried herb in a cup of boiled water, 3 times a day after eating and tincture 1. Nymphaea alba white water lily, european white waterlily pfaf. The underwater horned serpent is the symbol for the primal waters of the world. Medicinal plants in the south pacific publication author publisher who regional publications, manilla. In some undisturbed areas of ponds, lakes and slowrunning water up to 6 ft. But first a little bit about identifying the plant. Nymphaea alba is a white water lily, with cupshaped, white flowers, with yellow stamens. The flouers is white an thay hae mony smaa stamens inside. These pond plants are suitable for lakes and ponds in full sun or partial shade and are free flowering. Waterlily nymphaea alba white lotus nymphaea alba wild apple malus sylvestris wild cherry prunus serotina wild ginger asarum europaeum wild pansy viola tricolor wild pear pyrus piraster wild strawberry fragaria vesca wild thyme thymus serpyllum willow herb epilobium parviflorum winter savory satureja. One of the most common is the white water lily nimphaea alba. Names of nymphaea alba in various languages of the world are also given. When blue lotus nymphaea caerulea was smoked or drank after being soaked in water or wine, it acted as an intoxicant.

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